Sunday, July 29, 2007

Friendship Party at Christine's house

Diong so hot.

diong = wentworth miller


Sue ann, me, beatrice and chung ming.

diong = julian chee

my classmates.

Diong model.

Hey , yesterday night i went to the friendship party . I got invited by flubbberism . Yeah so before flubber coming to pick me up at my house , he sent me a message saying that waileong , chungming and I have to squeeze at the back of tiara . So flubberism reached my house at 6 and i tot the tiara is some kind of girls name but then he meant the car proton Tiara . so i went inside the car and sweat .!

at the party , we saw a lot of Cf people there then play captured flag flubber was pwnage . then i sohai i takao with flubbber kena call out for blindfold thingie . then then makan .makan was great . the makanan there were nasi lemak , cabonara pasta , pitza , and jelly . as usual then we played the guessing song . i own for the very first time .

after that , weng ken did the mother face cause i went to takei at net master. then he sohai sohai with dota gang went to blitz 1 . so i takei-ed with chin lee louis boon mun . takei takei after that went home at 12 30 .

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